Additive manufacturing (AM) techniques offer the potential to economically fabricate customized parts with complex geometries in a rapid design-to-manufacture cycle. Before benefits can be explored in critical load bearing applications, the basic understanding of the mechanical and functional behavior of these materials must be substantially improved at all scales. In particular, a better understanding of fracture and fatigue performance is key. The conference will shed light on the basic physical phenomena of fatigue and fracture of AM materials and develop effective criteria for the design of unprecedented high performing components for next generation automotive, aerospace and biomedical applications.
Organizing Committee
Sara Bagherifard, Politechnic of Milan
Matteo Benedetti, Univ. Trento
Filippo Berto, Univ. Rome "Sapienza"
José Correia, FEUP & IDMEC
Jianying He, NTNU
Francesco Iacoviello, Univ. of Cassino and Southern Lazio
Abílio de Jesus (local chairman), FEUP & INEGI
Luis Reis (local chairman), IST-UL & IDMEC
Ana Réis, FEUP & IDMEC
Manuel Sardinha, IST-UL & IDMEC
Raffaele Sepe, Univ. di Salerno
Luca Susmel, Univ. Sheffield
Jan Torgersen, Technische Universität München
Brecht Van Hooreweder, KU Leuven
Sabrina Vantadori, Univ. of Parma
Local Organizing Committee
Carlos Vicente, IST-UL
Diogo Fula, INEGI
Jorge Gil, INEGI
Omid Emadinia, INEGI
Rui Amaral, INEGI
Tiago Fraga, INEGI
Scientific Committee
Prof. J.L. Alves. Univ. of Porto
Prof. D. Angelova, Bulgarian Ac. of Sciences
Prof. M. Ayatollahi, Iran Un. of Sci. & Techn.
Prof. S. Bagherifard, Polytechnic Un. of Milan
Prof. L. Banks Sills, Tel Aviv University
Prof. M. Benedetti, University of Trento
Prof. T. Becker, Stellenbosch University, SouthAfrica
Prof. F. Berto, NTNU
Prof. C. Bertolin, NTNU - Trondheim
Prof. A. Boccaccini, Erlangen-Nuremberg
Prof. R. Branco, University of Coimbra
Prof. F. Brennan, Cranfield University
Prof. S. Bruschi, University of Padua
Prof. A. Carpinteri,University of Parma
Prof. G. Casse, Bruno Kessler Foundation
Prof. D. Cendon, Polytechnic Univ. Madrid
Prof. K.C. Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
Prof. Bo Chen, Coventry University, UK
Prof. S. Cicero, Universidad de Cantabria
Prof. B. Conner, Youngstown State Un.
Prof. J.A. Correia, University of Porto
Prof. S.R. Daniewicz, University of Alabama
Prof. M. De Freitas, University of Lisbon
Prof. A. De Jesus, University of Porto
Prof. V. Di Cocco, University of Cassino
Prof. N. Durakbasa, TU Wien
Prof. M. Elmansori, ENSAM, Paris
Prof. H. Espinosa, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. A. Fatemi, The University of Memphis, USA
Prof. P. Ferro, University of Padua, Italy
Prof. H. Gao, Brown University
Prof. G. Glinka, Waterloo University
Prof. Ø. Grong, NTNU - Trondheim
Prof. M. Guagliano, Polytechnic Un. of Milan
Prof. J. Hart MIT, Boston
Prof. Y. Hong Chinese Academy of Science
Prof. R. Howe Stanford University
Prof. P. Hutar, Czech Academy of Sciences
Prof. J. Hutchinson, Harvard University
Prof. F. Iacoviello, University of Cassino
Prof. A. Ince, Concordia University
Prof. T. Itoh, Ritsumeikan University College
Prof. P. Jain, Santa Clara University
Prof. N.M. James, University of Plymouth
Prof. R. Jones, Monash University
Prof. T. Kitamura, Kyoto University
Prof. D. Kochmann, ETH-Zurich
Prof. Radomila Konecna, University of Žilina
Prof. A. Kontsos, Drexel University, USA
Prof. A. Korsunsky, Oxford University
Prof. A. Kotousov, University of Adelaide
Prof. D. Kujawski, Michigan University
Prof. T. Lagoda, Opole University
Prof. L. Lamberti, Polytechnic of Bari
Prof. Marco Leite, University of Lisbon
Prof. Grzegorz Lesiuk, Politechnika Wrocławska
Prof. E. MacDonald, Youngstown State Un.
Prof. Z. Major, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Prof. L. Manna, IIT Genova
Prof. L. Marsavina, Timisoara University
Prof. Artur Mateus, Politécnico de Leiria
Prof. H. Matsunaga, Kyushu University
Prof. Y. Matvienko, Russian Academy of Sc.
Prof. M.N. Mavrogordato, Southampton Un.
Prof. P. Mayrhofer ,TU Wien, Austria
Dr. D. McKay Fletcher, Southampton Un.
Dr. A. Mehmanparast, Cranfield University
Prof. G. Meneghetti, University of Padua
Dr. J.G. Michopoulos, US Navy Laboratory
Dr. Pedro Moreira, INEGI, Portugal
Prof. L. Náhlík, Czech Academy of Sciences
Prof. A. Navarro, University of Seville
Prof. G. Nicoletto, University of Parma
Prof A. Ovsianikov, TU Wien
Prof. T. Palin Luc, Université de Bordeaux
Prof. J. Palko, UC Merced
Prof. S. Pantelakis, Patras University
Prof. I. Paoletti, Polytechnic Un. of Milan
Prof. J. Partanen, Aalto University
Dr. N. Phan, US Navy Laboratory
Prof. G. Pinter, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
Prof. F. Prinz, Stanford University
Prof. F. Profumo, Bruno Kessler Foundation
Prof. S. Ramakrishna, NUS Singapore
Prof. K. Ravi Chandar, University of Texas, USA
Dr. J. Razavi, NTNU Trondheim, Norway
Prof. A. Reis, Univ. of Porto
Prof. L. Reis, University of Lisbon
Prof. P. Reis, University of Coimbra Portugal
Prof. H. Remes, Aalto University
Prof. F. Riemelmoser, FH Kärnten, Austria
Prof. R. Ritchie, Berkeley University
Prof. J. Romanoff, Aalto University
Prof. M. Sakane, Ritsumeikan Un. College
Prof. M. Sardinha, IST- Univ. Lisbon
Dr. B. Schoenbauer, Boku University
Prof. L. Sean, NUI Galway
Dr. M. Seifi, ASTM International
Prof. A. Seweryn, Dziekan Wydzialu Mechan
Prof. N. Shamsaei, Auburn University
Prof. Shun-Peng Zhu, Univ. Electronic Science and Technology, China
Prof. A. Simoni, Bruno Kessler Foundation
Prof. I. Sinclair, Southampton University
Prof. Z. Suo, Harvard University
Prof. L. Susmel, U. Sheffield
Prof. Patrycja Szymczyk, CAMT/Politechnika Wrocławska
Prof. K. Tserpes, Patras University
Prof. B. Van Hooreweder, KU Leuven
Prof. S. Vantadori, University of Parma
Prof. M. Vieira, Univ. of Porto, Portugal
Prof. M. Vormwald, Tech. Univ. Darmstadt
Prof. Frank Walther, TU-Dortmund, Germany
Prof. R. Wicker, Un. of Texas at El Paso
Prof. S. Yang, KU Leuven
Event organisation
The event will be held in Porto, Portugal, and online (September 4-6, 2023).
In order to join the conference:
REGISTRATION (open 15.10.2022): LINK
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION (close on 16.07.2023): LINK
An acceptance email will be sent before 20.07.2023.
Early bird fees payment (25.07.2023): LINK
Paper submission (20.09.2023): LINK
Important information
Only one presentation per paying participant will be scheduled.
During the conference, the slot for each presentation will be 15 minutes: 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for the Q&As.
All the submitted papers, after being reviewed, will be published in an issue of Procedia Structural Integrity. The deadline for the submission of the papers is 30.09.2023. Only one paper per paying participant will be accepted.
A selection of the presented titles will be invited to submit extended versions to be published in ESIS affiliated journals.
Suggested Hotels
Being Porto one of the oldest European city centres, with historical centre that was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996, many hotels are available. Here you can find some suggestions near the ESIAM23 venue:
Grande Hotel do Porto (3*) (1.8 km to Alfandega Congress Centre)
Hotel da Bolsa (3*) (700 m to Alfandega Congress Centre)
Ibis Porto Centro Mercado Bolhão (3*) (2 km to Alfandega Congress Centre)
ABC Hotel Porto - Boavista (4*) (2.5 km to Alfandega Congress Centre)
Hotel Carris Porto Ribeira (4*) (800 m to Alfandega Congress Centre)
Hotel Vincci Porto (4*) (1 km m to Alfandega Congress Centre)
Intercontinental Porto – Palácio das Cardosas (5*) (1.2 km to Alfandega Congress Centre)
IMPORTANT. Do not forget that:
Conference registration will not include hotel-booking option.
Participants are recommended to book hotels as soon as possible in order to get the best rates possible.
The conference will be held here:
Alfandega Porto Congress Center, Porto, Portugal (LINK)
Contact us
For any info, please, do not hesitate to contact us: